New lines added later to a Latin poem in Edward Benlowes’s exercise book

Resource added
New lines added later to the end of a Latin poem in Edward Benlowes’s schoolboy exercise book.
New lines added later to the end of a Latin poem in Edward Benlowes’s schoolboy exercise book. Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson D 278.

Full description

New lines added later to the end of a Latin poem in Edward Benlowes’s schoolboy exercise book.

  • type
  • created on
  • file format
  • file size
    10 MB
  • container title
    Edward Benlowes, Latin exercise book (17th century)
  • copyright status
    Public Domain
  • creator
    Edward Benlowes
  • credit
    Photograph by Whitney Trettien.
  • rights territory