With today’s repeated reminders of the vulnerability of African Americans to state and extralegal violence, Black Bourgeois considers the contradiction of privileged, presumably protected black bodies that remain racially vulnerable. Examining disruptions around race and class status in literature, Candice M. Jenkins demonstrates that the conflicted relation of the black subject to privilege is not, solely, a recent phenomenon.
Open access edition funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Excerpts from Citizen: An American Lyric, copyright 2014 by Claudia Rankine, are reprinted with the permission of The Permissions Company, Inc., on behalf of Graywolf Press, www.graywolfpress.org. Reproduced by permission of Penguin Books Ltd.
Chapter 1 was previously published as “New Bourgeoisie, Old Bodies: Performing Post–Civil Rights Black Privilege in Tar Baby and School Daze,” Criticism 58, no. 4; copyright 2016 Wayne State University Press; reprinted with permission of Wayne State University Press. Portions of chapter 3 were previously published in a different form in “‘A Kind of End to Blackness’: Reginald McKnight's He Sleeps and the Body Politics of Race and Class,” in From Bourgeois to Boojie: Black Middle Class Performances, ed. Vershawn Ashanti Young and Bridget Tsemo; copyright 2011 Wayne State University Press; reprinted with permission of Wayne State University Press.
Copyright 2019 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota
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