Futures of the Sun explores the competing eco-stories being offered by people intent on shaping energy transition to fit their vision and version of a renewable society. Explaining how and why key players are working toward preserving the current social and political order, Imre Szeman reveals how those on the environmental left can ensure their vision of egalitarianism beyond the status quo can become the reality of our renewable future.
A portion of lecture 2 appeared in a different form as “From Steam Fetishism to Solar Fetishism,” in Energy Humanities, July 14, 2023, energyhumanities.ca.
Futures of the Sun: The Struggle over Renewable Life by Imre Szeman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
University of Minnesota Press
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Minneapolis, MN
Please see the Creative Commons website for details about the restrictions associated with the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
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