How to Do Things with Sensors

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Jennifer Gabrys

Sensors are increasingly common within citizen-sensing and DIY projects, but these devices often require the use of a how-to guide. From online instructional videos for troubleshooting sensor installations to handbooks for using and abusing the Internet of Things, the how-to genres and formats of digital instruction continue to expand and develop. As the how-to proliferates, and instructions unfold through multiple aspects of technoscientific practices, Jennifer Gabrys asks why the how-to has become one of the prevailing genres of the digital. How to Do Things with Sensors explores the ways in which things are made do-able with and through sensors and further considers how worlds are made sense-able and actionable through the instructional mode of citizen-sensing projects.

Background photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash.

Recent Activity

  • Empowering people to influence change through data. Citizen sensing kits to monitor traffic as part of @WecountH Gr

  • Transforming citizen sensing | Waag via @waag

  • Waar moet de ideale sensor aan voldoen? Op 9 en 10 december organiseren we samen met @SODAQ een online conferentie

  • Transforming citizen sensing: are you interested in sensors and measuring air quality? Work with us and @SODAQ as w

  • Join this very interesting event. Transforming citizen sensing | Waag via @waag @JudithVeenkamp

  • The #BristolApproach is a framework designed to ensure that new technologies developed in the framework of

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  • rights
    The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement no. 313347, “Citizen Sensing and Environmental Practice: Assessing Participatory Engagements with Environments through Sensor Technologies.”

    How to Do Things with Sensors by Jennifer Gabrys is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
  • edition
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  • publisher
    University of Minnesota Press
  • publisher place
    Minneapolis, MN
  • restrictions
    Please see the Creative Commons website for details about the restrictions associated with the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
  • rights holder
    Jennifer Gabrys
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