CES Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2023)

by Neda AtanasoskiChristine Hong

Shaped in multifarious ways by contemporary crises, Issue 8.1 asks the paired questions: how has the tumult of the present been seized to intensify the accumulative violence of racial capitalism, and what does it mean to do ruthless critique now? Like our other recent issues, this one includes five special documents—an interview, a work-in-translation from the global south, a curated political education document, a syllabus, and a forum around a significant work in the field of critical ethnic studies—all of which cast light on the struggles of organizers and non-academic thinkers from both within and beyond the United States. Likewise, the four articles in this issue grapple with the historical, cultural, and political foundations that undergird the proliferation of crises in the present. Together, they contend with the radical political possibilities that may emerge from the wreckages of colonialism and racial capitalism.

Editors’ Introduction



Political Education Document


Forum: “Spent behind the Wheel: Drivers’ Labor in the Uber Economy” by Julietta Hua and Kasturi Ray


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    University of Minnesota Press
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    Minneapolis, MN
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    Copyright 2023 by the Critical Ethnic Studies Association
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    Critical Ethnic Studies Association
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